Fifteen years ago, two brothers launched their roofing business with nothing but determination. One brother brought a background in general construction, while the other had no prior experience. Armed with a part-time technician and a focus on completing small repair jobs, they laid the foundation for what would become a flourishing company.
Have you ever been on a sales call and decided to bid the project at a higher price because you knew the homeowner was going to drive you crazy? Thinking to yourself, “I’m gonna add an additional 20% to my proposal price to account for the headache factor. If I get the job great, if not who cares?” Did you still get the job?
Unpack the emotional barriers and shift your mindset towards selling with confidence. Asking for the sale is not being pushy if you understand why and when to do it!
Si has sido un contratista de restauración por tormentas, por más de un día, probablemente te hayas enfrentado a contratistas poco escrupulosos que compiten con la promesa de renunciar o absorber los deducibles. Esto puede ser un desafío difícil de superar porque, aunque muchos propietarios reconocen que están infringiendo la ley, lo ven como un delito tipo "mentira piadosa" y piensan que hay cero posibilidades de que los atrapen.
Fifteen years ago, two brothers launched their roofing business with nothing but determination. One brother brought a background in general construction, while the other had no prior experience. Armed with a part-time technician and a focus on completing small repair jobs, they laid the foundation for what would become a flourishing company.
Have you ever been on a sales call and decided to bid the project at a higher price because you knew the homeowner was going to drive you crazy? Thinking to yourself, “I’m gonna add an additional 20% to my proposal price to account for the headache factor. If I get the job great, if not who cares?” Did you still get the job?
Unpack the emotional barriers and shift your mindset towards selling with confidence. Asking for the sale is not being pushy if you understand why and when to do it!
Si has sido un contratista de restauración por tormentas, por más de un día, probablemente te hayas enfrentado a contratistas poco escrupulosos que compiten con la promesa de renunciar o absorber los deducibles. Esto puede ser un desafío difícil de superar porque, aunque muchos propietarios reconocen que están infringiendo la ley, lo ven como un delito tipo "mentira piadosa" y piensan que hay cero posibilidades de que los atrapen.
Ofrecer opciones a sus clientes es una excelente manera de diferenciarse y hacer que sus clientes se involucren emocionalmente en su proyecto. En lugar de ofrecer un tipo de sistema de techado que se adapte a todos, sugeriría que los contratistas eduquen a sus prospectos sobre las diferentes opciones disponibles para ellos y los dejen elegir las opciones que mejor apoyen su visión para el proyecto.